Photo 1. Industry Standard Motor

Photo 2. Elongated Bearing Pockets

Photo 3. Motor Failure

Photo 4. Hex Motor

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Traditionally drilling motors are produced by two companies. One produces the power section and the other produces the bottom end. The two companies marry the products together. This created an ebb and flow in the motor industry where bottom ends would get stronger and the power sections would develop to get stronger to compensate. Then the bottom ends needed to be redesigned to become even more powerful. And the cycle continued until the introduction of the Hex motor in 2015. The Hex motor is both power section and bottom end designed together to optimize performance as a complete package. What sets the Hex Motor apart from traditional motors is its ability withstand the most rugged drilling environments. When compared to Industry standard motors the benefits of the Hex drive are easy to see. Industry standard motors use ball bearings to transmit torque (Photo 1). When the ball bearings are subjected to the violent forces of drilling, the pockets housing the bearings become stretched and elongated (Photo 2). Eventually the bottom end housing fails (Photo 3). Impulse engineers were Inspired by the hex shaped ball end of an allan wrench. It easy to see how much better the flat surfaces of the large Hex end can transmit torque when compared to the ball bearing and pockets of traditional motors (Photo 4). Laterals are getting longer all the time and the hex motor is the reliable solution to drill in any environment. As with any design there are multiple factors that contribute to the outstanding performance of the hex motor. To learn about our self-lapping valve that looks brand new when it comes out of a rugged 4-day drill run and our superior bearing assembly you can find these videos here.