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Video Summary:

TRIVI<(pronounced trivik) is two or more friction reduction tools and a conventional directional motor.  TRIVI< starts in the office. Clients send us their directional package and we inject it into our torque and drag modelling software. This helps us decide the placement of the tools in the string. Our goal is to get vibration distribution across the entire string so that the amount of friction clients see when starting the lateral is minimized the entire way. Why is the hex motor part of the TRIVI< system? Any commercial directional package can be used with our multiple friction reduction tools and still be considered TRIVI< but there are certain wells that are more difficult to drill. There are also some clients that are hyper focused on drilling their laterals in one run. The hex motor is one of the most robust motors in the industry and it's built for longevity. We combine some of the largest power sections that were being made today with being able to get 180 to 190 hours out of that motor before you have to think about bringing it out of the hole. In that timeframe most of our clients can complete their extended reach. There's a couple places that clients use TRIVI<. First, some clients have evolved with the technology. The second space clients use TRIVI<, is cases where clients graduated immediately from one friction tool and a conventional directional package to RSS. Now clients have a choice with to stay conventional with TRIVI<. In the past markets were clearly defined. Market segment A was one friction reduction tool and a directional package. Segment B was RSS. Over time and evolution, the two markets have combined, and in our Venn diagram (see video) the center is TRIVI<. The benefits of TRIVI< over RSS are, less risk, less cost, and lost in hole. Secondly, there are some wells that are programmed. They are extremely high build rate wells. There may be areas on the pad clients need to work around. RSS will struggle to meet the build rates needed. Primarily, our clients tell us "is it's just to mitigate the risk of losing an RSS system in the hole." Does TRIVI< replace RSS ? No. There are places and and well profiles where it can replace RSS. Today, a high percentage of the hex motor is actually utilized on RSS applications. We are in the business of both RSS and TRIVI

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